Overgrown Tufts

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Miniature Diorama

Painting your models and playing games with them isn’t the only way to get the most out of our hobby. At some point you may also want to test your skills by creating a miniature diorama. We’ve got all of the supplies required to make creating a unique scene easy. Using our 4-in-1-scatter flock along with matching debris tufts can go a long way in making your scene believable.

Miniature Basing

Undecorated miniature bases are boring. Adding static grass tufts is the perfect way to make your miniature base stand out from the rest. Each of our tufts consist of the same colors as our unique blends of our static grass flock, but at a larger height of 6mm. Use tweezers to help pluck and place. Are self-adhesive tufts are ready to go as-is, but you can apply a dab of glue to make them permanent. Better yet, apply our texture paste and stick your tufts in before it dries.